
Select an outbound proxy from the database at runtime.

This plugin requires a database file to work. If a database file is not provided, it will fail to load.

Access Points

  • tcp: Stream Outbound.
  • udp: Datagram Session Outbound.


  "tcp_next": "ss-client.tcp",
  "udp_next": "null.udp"
  • tcp_next: Descriptor of the Stream Outbound for proxies to establish new outbound Streams.
  • udp_next: Descriptor of the Datagram Session Outbound for proxies to establish new outbound Datagram Sessions.


Proxies in the database are managed by the UI application. During runtime, a user can select a proxy from the UI via RPC. The selection will be stored in the database so that the plugin will automatically load the selected proxy on next startup.

If a selected proxy cannot be loaded during plugin initialization, all incoming connections will be rejected until another proxy is selected and loaded successfully.

Revision History

  • 2023-04-29: Added dyn-outbound.