
An instance to be instantiated by a VPN system service, such as UWP VPN Plugin on Windows.

Access Points

  • tun: TUN Interface.


  "ipv4": "",
  "ipv4_route": [
  "ipv6": null,
  "ipv6_route": [],
  "dns": [""],
  "web_proxy": null
  • ipv4 (optional): IPv4 address of the TUN interface.
  • ipv4_route: IPv4 routes CIDR format.
  • ipv6 (optional): IPv6 address of the TUN interface.
  • ipv6_route: IPv6 routes CIDR format.
  • dns: Assigned DNS servers.
  • web_proxy (optional): Assigned proxy address.


For a vpn-tun to work, the YtFlowCore instance should be launched by a system VPN service, such as UWP VPN Plugin on Windows. There must be at most one vpn-tun instance in a YtFlowCore instance.

Revision History

  • 2023-04-29: Use human representation for IP CIDR.