
Handle TCP or UDP connections from a TUN.

Access Points

No access point is provided. This plugin should be used as entry plugin.


  "tun": "uwp-vpn-tun.tun",
  "tcp_next": "rev-resolver.tcp",
  "udp_next": "dns-dispatcher.udp"
  • tun: Descriptor of the TUN device to send and receive packets.
  • tcp_next: Descriptor of the Stream Handler.
  • udp_next: Descriptor of the Datagram Session Handler.


ip-stack is similar to tun2socks. It encapsulates Streams and Datagram Sessions from raw IP packets flow through the underlying TUN interface.

Currently the endpoint IPv4 address is a hardcoded value and the endpoint IPv6 address is a hardcoded value fd00::2.

Revision History

  • 2023-06-05: Update IPv6 address.